Accommodation agreement

(Article 1)

Accommodation contracts and related contracts to be concluded between the hotel and the guest shall be in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions. Customary. If the Hotel agrees to a special agreement within the scope of laws and customs, that special agreement shall take precedence notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Application for accommodation contract

(Article 2)

  1. A person who intends to apply for an accommodation contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars.
    • Guest name
    • Date of stay and estimated time of arrival
    • Accommodation charges (in principle, based on the basic accommodation charges listed in Attached Table 1)
      . Advance payment conditions (cash, credit card) may be required for accommodation plans set by the hotel and specific dates.
    • Other matters deemed necessary by the Hotel
  2. In the event that the Guest requests, during his/her stay, the continuation of the accommodation beyond the date of accommodation in Item 2 of the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall treat it as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.

Establishment of accommodation contract, etc.

(Article 3)

  1. An accommodation contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the hotel has accepted the application in the preceding article. However, this shall not apply when it is proved that the Hotel did not accept the request.
  2. When an accommodation contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the application fee stipulated by the hotel shall be paid by the date specified by the hotel, up to the basic accommodation fee for the period of stay (3 days if the period of stay exceeds 3 days). increase.
  3. The deposit shall first be applied to the accommodation charges to be finally paid by the guest, and in the event that a situation arises in which the provisions of Articles 6 and 18 apply, the deposit shall be applied in the order of cancellation charges and then compensation. , If there is any remaining balance, it will be refunded at the time of payment of charges in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.
  4. If the application fee in Paragraph 2 is not paid by the date specified by the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of the same Paragraph, the accommodation contract shall become invalid. However, this is limited to cases where the Hotel has notified the Guest to that effect when specifying the due date for payment of the deposit.

Special contract requiring no payment of application fee

(Article 4)

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract that does not require the payment of the deposit as stipulated in the same Paragraph after the conclusion of the contract.
  2. If the hotel does not request the payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and does not specify the due date for payment of the said deposit when accepting the application for the accommodation contract, it will be treated as if the special contract stipulated in the preceding paragraph has been accepted. increase.

Refusal to conclude an accommodation contract

(Article 5)

The hotel may refuse to conclude an accommodation contract in the following cases.

  1. When the application for accommodation does not comply with these terms and conditions.
  2. When there is no room in the guest room due to full occupancy.
  3. When it is recognized that the person who intends to stay is likely to act contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations, public order or good morals in relation to accommodation.
  4. When the person who intends to stay is deemed to fall under any of the following (a) to (c).
    (b) Organized crime groups stipulated in Article 2, Item 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unjust Acts by Gang Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as “gangsters”), and gangsters stipulated in Article 6, Item 6 (hereinafter referred to as “organized crime group members”), associate members of organized crime groups, persons affiliated with organized
    crime groups , or other anti-social forces
    ; Those with a person who corresponds to an organized crime group member
  5. When the person who intends to stay at the hotel behaves in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
  6. When the person who intends to stay is clearly recognized as having an infectious disease.
  7. When a violent request is made regarding accommodation, or when a burden exceeding the reasonable range is requested.
  8. When accommodation cannot be provided due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other unavoidable reasons.
  9. When it falls under the provisions of Article 14 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Hotel Business Law Enforcement Ordinance.

Guest Right to Cancel Contract

(Article 6)

  1. The Guest may cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel.
  2. If the guest cancels the accommodation contract in whole or in part due to reasons for which the guest is responsible (except when the guest cancels the accommodation contract before the payment is made.) However, in the event that the Hotel accepts the special contract set forth in Article 4, Paragraph 1, the Hotel shall notify the Guest of the obligation to pay the penalty in the event that the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract. Only when notified.
  3. If the guest does not arrive by 8:00 p.m. on the day of accommodation without contacting the hotel (if the estimated time of arrival is specified in advance, 2 hours after that time), The accommodation contract may be treated as having been canceled by the guest.

The hotel’s right to cancel the contract

(Article 7)

  1. The hotel may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases.
    • When it is recognized that the guest may commit acts contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations, public order or good morals, or when it is recognized that the guest has committed such acts.
    • When the Guest is deemed to fall under any of the following items (a) to (c).
      (a) Organized crime groups, gang members, associate members of organized crime groups, persons related to organized crime groups, or other anti-social forces
      (b) In the event that an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled
      (c) In a corporation, one of its officers falls under the category of a member of an organized crime group those who do
    • When a guest behaves in a way that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
    • When the guest is clearly recognized as having an infectious disease.
    • When a violent request is made regarding accommodation, or when a burden exceeding the reasonable range is requested.
    • When the accommodation cannot be provided due to reasons caused by force majeure such as natural disasters.
    • When the guest is likely to cause trouble to other guests due to drunkenness, etc. When there is behavior that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
    • When the guest behaves in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
    • When it falls under the provisions of Article 14 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Hotel Business Law Enforcement Ordinance.
    • When the guest does not comply with the prohibited items of the usage rules set by the hotel.
    • When you smoke in bed in the bedroom, mischief with firefighting equipment, etc., or when you do not comply with the prohibited items (limited to those necessary for fire prevention) specified by the hotel.
  2. When the hotel has canceled the accommodation contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest will not be charged for the accommodation services, etc. that have not yet been provided.

Registration of accommodation

(Article 8)

  1. The guest shall register the following particulars at the front desk of the hotel on the day of accommodation.
    • Guest’s name, age, gender, address and occupation
    • For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry and date of entry
    • Departure date and scheduled departure time
    • Other matters deemed necessary by the Hotel
  2. When the Guest intends to pay the charges in Article 12 by means of traveler’s cheques, accommodation coupons, credit cards, etc., which can be substituted for currency, the Guest shall present them in advance at the time of registration in the preceding Paragraph.

Room usage time

(Article 9)

  1. The Guest may use the guest room of the Hotel from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. the next day. However, if you stay consecutively, you can use it all day except for the day of arrival and departure.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to use the guest room outside the hours stipulated in the same Paragraph. In this case, the following additional charges will apply.
    1. 1/3 of the room rate for up to 3 hours
    2. 1/2 of the room rate for up to 6 hours
    3. Overtime of 6 hours or more will be charged the full room rate.

Compliance with usage rules

(Article 10)

Guests are required to comply with the rules of use established by the hotel and posted within the hotel premises.

Business Hours

(Article 11)

  1. The business hours of the main facilities, etc. of the Hotel are as follows, and the detailed business hours of other facilities, etc., will be announced in pamphlets provided, notices displayed in various places, service directories in guest rooms, etc.
    • Front desk, cashier service hours:
      A. No curfew
      B. Front desk service 24 hours
      C. Exchange service 24 hours
    • Food and drink (facility) service hours: See pamphlet
    • Ancillary service facility hours:
      Laundry service 24 hours reception
      (Please refer to laundry service for reception hours and finishing time)
      Parking lot 24 hours
  2. The time stated in the preceding paragraph may be changed due to unavoidable circumstances. In that case, we will notify you in a separate sheet.

Payment of fees

(Article 12)

  1. The breakdown of the accommodation charges, etc. to be paid by the guest shall be as listed in Appended Table 1.
  2. The payment of the accommodation charges, etc. in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the front desk at the time of departure of the guest or when requested by the hotel, in currency or by other means such as traveler’s checks, accommodation coupons and credit cards accepted by the hotel. I’ll enjoy having this.
  3. Accommodation charges shall be charged even if the guest voluntarily does not stay after the hotel has provided the guest with a guest room and it has become available for use.

Our responsibility

  1. (Article 13) The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any damages caused by the fulfillment of the accommodation contract and related contracts, or the non-fulfillment thereof. However, this shall not apply if it is due to reasons not attributable to the Hotel.
  2. In order to deal with unexpected fires, etc., the hotel has ryokan liability insurance.

Handling when contracted guest rooms cannot be provided

(Article 14)

  1. When the hotel cannot provide the contracted guest room to the guest, the hotel shall obtain the guest’s consent and arrange other accommodation facilities under the same conditions as much as possible.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, when other accommodation cannot be arranged, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation charges, and the compensation fee shall be applied to the reparations. However, if there is no reason attributable to the hotel for not being able to provide the guest room, no compensation fee will be paid.

Handling of deposited items

(Article 15)

  1. When damage such as loss or breakage occurs to the goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the guest, the hotel shall not be liable for the damage except in the case of force majeure. Compensate. However, with regard to cash and valuables, if the Hotel asks for a declaration of the type and value and the Guest fails to do so, the Hotel shall not be liable for damages up to 150,000 yen. Compensate.
  2. When goods, cash, or valuables brought into the premises of the Hotel by the Guest but not deposited at the front desk are lost, damaged, or otherwise damaged intentionally or negligently on the part of the Hotel. , the hotel will compensate for the damage. However, the hotel will compensate for damages up to 150,000 yen for items for which the type and value have not been reported by the guest in advance.

Storage of guest’s baggage or personal belongings

(Article 16)

  1. In the event that the guest’s baggage arrives at the hotel prior to their stay, the hotel will be responsible for keeping it only when the hotel has agreed prior to their arrival, and the guest will check in at the front desk. I’ll give it to you.
  2. In the event that the guest’s baggage or personal belongings are left behind at the hotel after the guest has checked out, when the owner is identified, the hotel shall contact the owner and request their instructions. will do. However, if there is no instruction from the owner or if the owner cannot be identified, the property will be kept for seven days, including the date of discovery, and then delivered to the nearest police station.
  3. In the case of the preceding two paragraphs, our hotel’s responsibility for the custody of the guest’s baggage or belongings shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of the preceding article in the case of paragraph 1, and in the case of paragraph 2 of the preceding article. shall conform to the provisions of paragraph.

Parking liability

(Article 17)

When a guest uses the hotel’s parking lot, regardless of whether the vehicle key has been entrusted to the hotel, the hotel lends the space and is responsible for the management of the vehicle. Not a thing. However, if damage is caused intentionally or negligently on the part of the Hotel in managing the parking lot, the Hotel shall be responsible for compensation.

Guest Responsibility

(Article 18)

In the event that the Hotel suffers damage due to intention or negligence on the part of the Guest, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for the damage.

Appendix 1

Breakdown of accommodation charges, etc. (related to Article 2, Paragraph 1 and Article 12, Paragraph 1)

Total amount payable by the guest hotel fee [1] Basic accommodation charge (room charge) or accommodation plan
[2] Service charge ([1] x 10%)
additional fee [3] Food and drink and other usage charges
[4] Service charge ([3] × 10%)
tax B Consumption tax

Remarks 1. Basic accommodation charges are based on the price list posted at the front desk.

Appendix 2

Penalties (related to Article 6, Paragraph 2)

Date of receipt of notice of contract cancellation
not parked that day the day before 9 days ago 20 days ago
contract application generally up to 14 people 100% 80% 20%
group 15 to 99 people 100% 80% 20% 10%
group More than 100 people 100% 100% 80% 20% 10%


  1. % is the ratio of the penalty to the basic accommodation charge.
  2. If the number of days contracted is shortened, a penalty for one day (the first day) will be collected regardless of the number of days shortened.
  3. If the contract is canceled for part of a group of guests (15 people or more), 10% of the number of guests 10 days before the stay (if the application is accepted after that date, the date of acceptance) (fractions will appear) In some cases, it will be rounded up.), no penalty will be charged.
  4. For educational trips, separate penalty provisions apply.
  5. If you apply for some special plans and specific dates with “advance credit card payment” and the contract is canceled, 30% up to 30 days before your stay, 100% from 8 days before your stay to the day of your stay, no-show accepts 100% penalty.

Accommodation rules

In order to ensure the public nature and safety of the hotel, we ask that guests using the hotel comply with the following rules based on Article 10 of the accommodation agreement.
If you do not comply with the matters stipulated in this rule, we may refuse to continue your stay.


  1. Please do not use firearms, irons, etc. for heating or cooking in the guest room.
  2. Please do not smoke in bed or other places where fires are likely to occur.
  3. Please do not bring the following items into the lobby and guest rooms.
    (a) Animals and birds (pets) *Excluding guide dogs, hearing dogs, and assistance dogs
    (b) Anything that emits a remarkably foul odor.
    (c) Combustible or flammable items such as gunpowder and volatile oil.
    (d) Firearms and swords that are not legally permitted to be possessed.
  4. Please do not speak or behave in a manner that disturbs public morals or disturbs other guests in the hotel.
  5. Please do not guide visitors to your room.
  6. Please do not use guest rooms or lobbies as offices or exhibition rooms.
  7. Please refrain from distributing advertisements to customers in the hotel.
  8. Please do not order or bring in food or drink from outside the hotel.
  9. We will keep your laundry and forgotten items for 6 months after your departure unless otherwise specified. Subsequent measures will be handled in accordance with the law.
  10. Requests regarding various facilities and items in the building.
    (b) Do not use it for purposes other than its intended purpose.
    (b) Please do not take it out of the hotel.
    (c) Please do not move it to another place or modify it.
  11. Please do not use the guest room for purposes other than lodging.
  12. It is strictly prohibited to take photographs for commercial purposes or to disturb other guests in the hotel and its premises.


  1. Please pay your bill by the time you depart, or pay each time the bill is presented by the front desk.
  2. Receipts are prepared for each room, so if guests in the same room would like separate receipts, please let us know as soon as possible.
  3. If you have any questions about payment, please do not hesitate to ask at the front desk.
  4. We especially ask that you refrain from leaving your room in your yukata, slippers, etc.
  5. To store cash and valuables during your stay, please use the safety deposit box (free) at the front desk. We are not responsible for any loss or theft of cash or valuables if you do not use the safety deposit box. Please note that items such as works of art and antiques cannot be kept.

Location / Contact first

ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Akita

2-6-1 Nakadori, Akita City, Akita Prefecture 010-0001

TEL: 018-832-1111 representative

Accommodation reservation reception hours 24 hours